University of Leeds SoM PGR Conference

The Leeds School of Mathematics is proud to host its annual postgraduate research conference, bringing together students from all groups and years to share their research. This year’s conference will take place on June 14-16, 2023, in the School of Mathematics building. The conference provides an excellent opportunity for postgraduate researchers to present their work, receive feedback from their peers, and engage in valuable discussions about current research trends and future directions.

Participants can either give a talk or present a poster, and the conference will include a dedicated poster session. We welcome submissions from all PGRs in the School of Mathematics!

This edition of the conference is organised by: Anna Sigalou, Gautam Chaudhuri, Luca Seemungal, Matteo Spadetto, Mingrui Zhang, Muyang Zhang, Samuel Myers, Shuang Zheng. We would also like to recognise the invaluable advice and assistance provided by the PGRT Martin Speight.